Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tons of things are happing...

bermuda beach
Sorry for the lack of posts it has been a very busy summer...

So both and are getting new looks. It is time to update the websites. My personal site is looking great, but what I am really excited about is It will have a fresh new look with so many more features, I am so excited and I think our clients will love the new site. So stay tunned because we will be having a launch party/art show/and what ever else we can think of. It will be a good time!!!

So I have to run but there is some huge news about Getty and Flickr and I want to leave you with some the time you read it all, I might have a new post.

A great blog post by Allen Murabayashi CEO of PhotoShelter: Read Here

Rachel Hulin at Shoot! the Blog : Read Here

Rob Haggart at A Photo Editor: Read Here

Here is Stobist's two cents: Read Here

And finally here is an article on PDN's website: Read Here

So what do you you have images on Flickr????
Have a great one!!!

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