Monday, July 09, 2007

Before and After

Someone had a question about my last post of the two people jumping in the pool. They wanted to know how much post production I did and if I could post a before shot. I shot this using my SPL water housing and a Nikon F100 (film). I used Kodak 100 VS film which gives a little bit warmer feel then Velvia. My scanner scans a little dark and all I had to do was just a little curves and Saturation in Photoshop. The slide looks great as there is more detail in the shadows. I think it's time to recalibrate my scanner (I use a Nikon Coolscan 5000 for all my film scans). I hope this helps. I soon will be getting a Digital water housing, but I think I will still use the film housing every once in a while, because I love film!

water stock photography
summer stock photography


duieguito said...

Thanks a lot mate! really appreciate it! I'm new to photography and I'm just learning the ropes, I don't have a water housing, I would like one though. If you'd like, you could see some of my work and maybe comment on it, I would be very grateful.

blaine said...

film? i know i've heard of it... but what is that again? haha :)

Unknown said...

I've never really used film, I did buy a Canon A-1 some time ago, but digital is just so much easier!